Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004

Marriage and Babies at 17

I am having such a hard day. I just wrote half an entry and lost it because I was being careless. Now I have to start all over again.

Well, there's one reason I prefer pen and paper over online diaries...

After speaking to my mother and grandmother last night about baby names for boys, I had decided on Spencer Hayden Wilson. However, when the idea was run by Jamie he disliked it. For some reason he doesn't like the name Spencer, but I made him agree on Hayden Spencer, that way it would at least be his middle name.

Jamie likes names like Sebastian or Isaiah. I just don't care at all for his choices in names. And when Stew came in to VIP the other day and told me what Brandi and he were going to call their baby when they find out whether it's a boy or a girl I wanted to blush. I was embarassed for the poor thing. I didn't say anything of course, but it was like they wanted to punish it. They find out on the 19th the sex of the baby.

The nineteenth is my first OB appointment. I am so excited.

So if everything does work out between Jamie and I, (I'm not guarenteeing it will, in fact, I doubt we'll be together when the baby's born) we'll be getting married shortly after I turn 18, which will be May 12th, and his grandmother (who I completely adore) will be marrying us.

It won't be anything fancy at all. Real cheap. But I guess it wouldn't be a bad thing for me to marry Jamie and take his name, and if anything happens in the future, if we don't last, then I can share the name of my baby.

It's not like marrying him is that big of a deal. Just because I do so doesn't mean I'm being forced into spending the rest of my life with him. And believe me, if we do marry, and seperate, I won't be looking for another marriage any time soon. And I know that, unlike with Travis, if Jamie and I break up, he won't stalk myself, my friends, and my mother. I do love Jamie. I just don't like his habits.

My boobs hurt now. They're starting to grow. being pregnant is so painful. At least it seems that way.

I'm joining Pieces Of You. It's a site that awards diarists based on an entry you submit written with a theme picked by the site. It sounds like fun, and I'm using one of their templates, so I figured why not.

"All marriages are happy. It's the living together afterward that causes all the trouble."

my-uhuru at 10:00 A.M.

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