Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2004


It's over.

Finally... it's over.

I woke up in a bad mood. Dreaming of someone else. And when Jamie forced me to tell him what was wrong, I did just that.

I told him that I didn't want to be with him anymore. But it wasn't that easy, it wasn't nearly that easy.

Because Jamie wouldn't let me leave. Lynn didn't want me to leave him, and so we're still technically together. However I'm living with my grandmother now, so I can finally be alone, without having Jamie shoved up my ass. I'm supposed to start school tonight but I think I'm going to say fuck this class and take two a week, that way I can still work. I need the money, very badly.

At least Jamie will think I'm going to school 3 days a week, that way I'll have more time off from him. And if things with John go any further then good, if not, fine. I'm not going to pursue it, but I know he likes me and if things work out, and we start seeing eachother then all the better for me. But I don't need a man to make me happy. I am happy just as I am.

First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.

my-uhuru at 1:02 P.M.

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